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Like many people at the moment, what we spend our money on is on our minds daily. The cost of living crisis is making budgeting harder and harder and for some scaling back on purchases is now the norm. It’s no secret how much I love skincare products but they HAVE to be affordable and at a lower price point. Thankfully, I have some friends who have more expensive tastes than me and I was recently given Aveda’s Tourmaline Charged Radiant Skin Refiner. For 100ml this retails for around £33.00.

Why did I use this?
As much as I love facial scrubs I don’t use them as regularly as I should. My skin at the moment looks like it could really benefit from this type of product because texture wise I want it to be more smoother. I’ve never used Aveda skincare products before and was happy to give this a go to see how it performed.
What is this?
Aveda’s Tourmaline Charged Radiant Skin Refiner is a facial scrub. Designed to be a moisturising and rich textured scrub that leaves skin feeling and looking softer and smoother. Thanks to it containing tourmaline, tired and lifeless looking skin should look more alive and rested.
100ml of facial scrub comes housed in a tall and thin plastic flip topped tube. Simple in appearance, green in colour with white lettering. I can’t help look at this and think this has some natural ingredients in it because of how it’s presented. This would sit nicely in any bathroom and be used by any sex or age as it will appeal to most people packaging wise.

When this is squeezed out of the tube it’s quite solid as it holds it’s form. Off white in colour and looks relatively smooth. But pop a finger in this and it’s almost whipped liked, very creamy with very small grains in this.
Does this smell of anything? Not really. There’s no definite scent to this but there’s a hint of something. I’m not too sure whether it’s the clay that this contains but there’s something in it which I don’t find too appealing but don’t hate either.
How to use
Use this product twice a week on damp skin. Massage into it and then remove with a damp cloth.

In Use
I used enough to cover a finger tip and rubbed this into my face which was damp. What I liked about Aveda’s Skin Refiner was how creamy it was as it felt luxurious on the face. At the same time the exfoliating grains were obviously there in feel and they were plentiful but very fine. It didn’t need to be worked in roughly into the skin, just a gentle rubbing motion was fine and I enjoyed the process. I left this on for a couple of minutes and it was at this stage it was obvious some form of clay was in this. It felt slightly like a clay mask but not to the point my face was frozen. Fragrance wise I couldn’t really detect anything.
Removing this was fairly simple. I rinsed off most of it with warm water and then went in with a warmed, damp face cloth to take off the excess. I did think my skin would feel tight or possibly dry after using this product but it didn’t. It felt very clean and comfortable. Looking at my skin afterwards it looked fresher but I expected that as it normally would anyway after just cleansing my skin.
The morning after the night before
In the morning I noticed my skin was definitely looking and feeling better than usual. My skin wasn’t transformed into something else but it was small things that I noticed. The left side of my face seemed less uneven texture wise than the rest of my face which has been an issue this week. All of the skin on my face looked smoother, more even and more rested with zero dryness or irritation.
As a product I really like this! I love a good texture and the texture of this is very unusual and a delight to use. This to me felt like a dual product and was part mask (if you leave it on) and part scrub. Easy to use, enjoyable to apply and left my skin looking and feeling in better condition than before I used this. I would definitely recommend this but it is pricey! If you could get hold of a sample size of this or purchase this in a kit to save money that would be a good alternative. But it is a considered purchase price wise.
This product can be purchased from lots of companies that sell skincare products such as Look Fantastic and direct from Aveda. It’s pricey but a great quality product.