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Having a bath, a proper bath, is an experience. And one in my opinion that should last at least 30 minutes. Anything less than that is a waste of time and product. Surely a person deserves half an hour to themselves to relax? So you will never hear me utter an apology of how long I’m in the bath for or how many bath bombs, fizzers, scoops or foaming baths I own. I thought it was time to try out Beauty Launderette’s Detox Dip Bath Fizzer bought from Superdrug, that’s been hiding away in my stash for way too long. Normal price is £4.00, I got this when it was half price for £2.00.

Why did I buy this?
This was a new range for me at the time, and because it covered bath, body, fragrance and skincare, I couldn’t help but try a product from each of these areas. With this bath fizzer, I did want to see how good the quality of it was. If it was good, it could potentially be an affordable repeat purchase for the future.
The Detox Dip Bath Fizzer comes in a light turquoise coloured square box. Like the rest of the range, it’s packaged in a way that’s connected with doing your laundry and this box is styled to look like a basic washing machine. Very cute and is set off thanks to lettering and details being in red. The fizzer itself you can see from a circular hole at the front, is plastic wrapped.
How does it look?
A super soft shade of lilac with a delicate and pretty shimmer to it. Round in shape, good decent size (quite standard for bath bombs to be fair) and not too heavy. No other details. Plain but pretty.

If you’ve tried their body mist in this range it has the same scent. It’s a collection of white florals, so quite fresh, clean, a little sweet but not too much. Very pleasant and very pretty, not old fashioned at all. And not too heavy in strength.
How to use.
As you would with any bath fizzer or bath bomb, pop this under warm running water in the bath and enjoy.
In the bath.
Oh this little fizzer fizzed and spun around in the water as soon as it got popped in! Twisted and turned while slowly making the bath water go from clear to pink. There was the smallest and thinnest froth made but no real bubbles. But in all fairness I didn’t expect this to turn into a bubble bath anyway. This fizzer took what felt like forever to go to bath fizzer heaven and totally disappear. Once gone it left a lovely coloured bath ready for chill time.
The fragrance was there immediately from when this was placed in the bath. I didn’t think it would be so strong. I expected it to be very light but it was obvious and there. In fact, it travelled from the bathroom through the hallway down to the bottom of the stairs. This was of a good strength, with longevity and thoroughly enjoyable.
Bathing in this was relaxing. The colour and the fragrance really made it for me. I can be very picky with bath bomb type products and on the whole I prefer bubbles and a very hydrating bath, but not all bath bombs or fizzers are designed to create this. So for what it was it did really well. Didn’t irritate my skin which is suffering a bit from psoriasis at the moment, and didn’t dry it out.
This is a good quality bath bomb. From how it’s packaged to how it looks thumbs up. Despite it being very simple in shape and design, it still is very pretty as the shimmer makes it stand out. Fragrance is beautiful. I like it more in this fizzer than the actual body mist which is funny as it’s identical! And lastly, it’s usual price isn’t earth shatteringly expensive so great for gift giving to yourself or others. Even better when on special offer which the range regularly is. So it’s recommended from me definitely!

At the time of writing this post some of the Beauty Laundrette range at Superdrug is on a buy one get one half price. Visit the link here to get your hands on this bath buddy on a great multibuy deal!