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Bath bombs are available everywhere. Shops, supermarkets, discount stores. But how many people buy their bath time treats from small businesses who make and sell their own bath products?. I definitely do! One business I’ve bought bath products from has been Druid and the Witch. I purchased a collection of products from them including their Rainbow Cloud Bath Bomb last year. Individually this costs £2.20.

How does this look?
No surprises but this comes in the shape of a cloud. It’s flat and takes up the palm of my hand so a really good size. On the front it’s mainly white in colour with a delicate addition of light purple highlighting around the edge. There’s also a slight shimmer to this bath bomb and a hand painted silver lightening bolt shape on the left hand side of it. If you look on the bottom edge of Rainbow Cloud you can see different colours popping through ( purple, blue, yellow ) giving you a hint of what’s to come when this is added to a bath.

This was labelled as Blueberry Lemon in scent. When I took this out of its plastic wrapper and gave it a little sniff there was a faint smell of something citrusy but if I’m honest it wasn’t strong or clear what exactly this was fragranced with.
In the bath
While warm running water was filling my bath, Rainbow Cloud Bath Bomb spun round and round like a windmill. As it was turning it released streams of different colours. It wasn’t as uniformed as what I thought it would be e.g separate straight lines of colour, but colour was there. While the different colours was released ( green, purple and yellow ), some foam was created. Once the has disappeared altogether, it turned the water in the bath into a pretty sea topped off with fluffy foam.
One thing that did disappoint me a little was lack of fragrance. It was barely there. Was this to do with the fact I had this bath bomb in my stash for awhile? Too long that it lessened the fragrance of it? Not too sure. But fragrance was what Rainbow Cloud Bath Bomb was lacking.

On the skin
No issues for me, no irritation, and I continued with my usual after bathing ritual of moisturising with a body lotion while feeling very relaxed.
I would happily try this out again in a different fragrance and use straight away once purchased to see if the fragrance behaves differently. As mentioned, it was only the smell or lack of that didn’t quite grab me but everything else I enjoyed. It’s affordable, kids would love this and overall I think it was fun. So would I recommend this? I would say give it a go if you like a bit of bath art from your bath bomb.
Druid and the Witch have lots of bath and body treats available that come in various forms, fragrances and budgets here.