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Buying myself an advent calendar is a yearly tradition. If I don’t buy myself one, who would?? It doesn’t matter what type of calendar it is I need one. My favourite advent doesn’t contain chocolate, it contains wax, wax melts to be more specific. I’ve recently taken delivery of an AMAZING Christmas 2022 Wax Advent Collection from UK wax vendor Glow. I secured this a few months ago at a cost of £25.00 which included p&p.

Why did I buy this?
Where do I start? I love this wax vendor! I’ve bought individual wax pieces from Angela (the lady behind the business) before. I’ve been lucky enough to be gifted items and I’ve bought themed monthly boxes which have been phenomenal. So, I knew this would be a collection not to be missed, especially with it being a Christmas advent. And I’m glad I didn’t..

What was included?
- A small light up Gonk
- A small LED light up Christmas lantern
- 12 mini pots of wax melts numbered 1-12.
- 12 mini wax melt bars
- Day 25 is a closed box so not sure what surprise is in this yet!

First Impressions
WOW! This was delivered in a small box, but this box was a TARDIS because there was so much living in it! The Gonk is a super cute addition. It’s a seasonal favourite for many and totally adorable. The lantern is just as sweet. I love how these are included to give this collection a more personal touch and Christmas vibe. They weren’t necessary. Let’s be honest, if you order a wax melt advent calendar you expect wax melts. But with the themed monthly boxes I’ve seen and received from Glow, they always go that extra mail.
The wax pots are generously sized for one melt (possibly even two) which should provide a good number of hours of fragrance. Each one a different colour and dusted with glitter.
The wax bars are all different in regards to look, design and colour. The attention to detail is brilliant! It’s hard for me to list every piece and what they look like. But as an example, there are some large shoe prints with the words embossed into it ‘Santa Claus’. This sits on top of different coloured rectangular shaped wax. Another is a Christmas gingerbread man shape, again, on top of another piece of wax. These are just delightful and when I say they bring a smile to my face I mean it!
Fragrance wise it’s easy for me to have a quick sniff of some of the wax in the pots. From the ones I’ve smelt the scents are varied. I’m getting some warming and spicy scents. Some rich, buttery bakery scents and some uplifting fruity ones and more. They all tie in perfectly with the idea of Christmas and this time of year.

Last thoughts?
I cannot wait to start melting these little beauties! This collection is a whopper of colour, design and creativity. For £25.00 this is a crazy amount of wax (with extras). It must have taken a long time to create these pieces because the attention to detail is fantastic. So, expect my next post/s on this collection to really get into the wax itself, the fragrances, strength, longevity etc. But for now, I feel like it’s already Christmas and I just KNOW this will NOT disappoint me!

Previous Glow Posts:
Autumn Home Scents Glow’s Cafe Coffee Inspired Wax Melts
Glow’s Ruffles At The Palace August Wax Melt Subscription Box
Glow’s Ruffles At The Palace August Wax Melt Subscription Box Part 2