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It’s a running joke between myself and friends that I spend most of my time in the bath. I don’t mind, I love a bath! I’m always on the look out for bath products which are of a good quality, fairly priced and enjoyable to use so I can continue living my best mermaid life. One product I had my eye on when they were first released were the cookie bath fizzers from I Heart Revolution. Sugar Cookie Bath Fizzer was one that I purchased from Superdrug. This retails for £3.50 each.

Why did I buy these?
Ever had a mental shopping list of things you wanted to purchase? These cookie bath fizzers were definitely on mine. I timed my purchase of this very well because these fizzers were half price in Superdrug PLUS on a 3 for 2 deal so these were fabulously priced! I bought myself 3 of these and the other 3 have been put away for Christmas gifts.
So cute! The fizzer itself is plastic wrapped but housed in a cardboard box. The box is various shades of pink, with a fun and cartoon like face of a monster on the front. It’s mouth is where you can see the fizzer peaking out of. I love how this is presented. Definitely more for the younger market than older, but is fun and eye catching.

The Fizzer.
Shape and look wise this makes me think of a rusk biscuit for babies and toddlers! Flat bottom, slightly domed top but a little lumpy and uneven in texture. Not totally smooth around the outside, giving it a hand made look. Sugar Cookie is a good size. It takes up the whole palm of my hand. Lemon yellow in colour with pale pink splodge like circles on it. Texture is what you would expect from most bath bombs or fizzers, chalky and solid.

I gave this a good sniff before I used it and to be honest there was no defined scent I could pick up on. If chalky had a smell it would be that, the tiniest sweet hint to it but nothing specific.
In the bath.
I popped this onto the top of a warm filled bath. Of course it fizzed as I expected, and did a little twirl and spin in the water which was nice to see. It slowly turned the water from clear to a very VERY pale green. The fizzer itself took a long time to disappear. But other than fizzing, disappearing and turning the water into a bit of a bland colour, that was all that happened in my bath. No obvious fragrance. If it was there it was so subtle I didn’t sniff it. No bubbles or foam, which I wasn’t expecting anyway. Just green coloured water.
I’m going to be honest, being in this bath was quite boring. No scent, no real colour and nothing to entertain me. In the end I poured in some foaming bath milk I had on the side to perk it up. Before I did this, I found the water wasn’t irritating or drying but not moisturising either.
I wouldn’t buy this for myself again. It added nothing to my bathing experience and I didn’t enjoy it. I’ve bought and used many different types of bath bombs and fizzers over the years, and I think my expectations are quite high and this just didn’t cut it. I know what I want from a bath product and this didn’t deliver.
BUT…what I would say is this should be absolutely fine for a young person. They will like the packaging, the look of the bath fizzer and probably find it ok in the bath. So if you want to get a bath fizzer for someone young or someone who likes fizzers or bath bombs but isn’t very fussy about them, this would do the job. Think of the friend or family member who throws in 60p bath bombs from a supermarket or discount store into a shopping basket, then I think this would meet their requirements. But buy these when on offer e.g 3 for 2, a third off, half price etc.
To say I’m disappointed in this is an understatement as I was looking forward to using it. And the reviews for this fizzer (in various different fragrances) seemed good. But if I haven’t put you off with my lack of love for this product, at the time of writing this post this fizzer and others are on a 3 for 2 deal at Superdrug here.