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When I think of the British store Marks & Spencer, the first thing I think about is food. They are well known for their food ranges, which although is quality can come at a price! But I never thought about them retailing bath and body products. They sell many, many items that don’t fall into the food or clothing category Including bath fizzers. I picked up Rainbow Bath Fizzer (along with a few others) at the end of August for 49p (reduced from £3.50)!

Why Did I Buy This?
I went into the store dragging along two, miserable children looking for school shoes. We didn’t buy any but somehow I walked out with a handful of bath fizzers! This looked cute, I thought how ideal this (and others I grabbed) would be for gift giving and they had been reduced to only 49p!BARGAIN!
How does Rainbow Bath Fizzer look?
Like a rainbow! This is a generous sized bath fizzer which nearly covers the palm of my hand. Rainbow shaped, with three colours visible on the top of it, which is pink, pale pink and green. Looking more closely at this there are tiny speckles of dark pink running all the way through it. The texture is typical bath fizzer/bomb like, solid and hard with a chalky feel to it.

Slightly sweet in smell thanks to vanilla. There’s also a perfume like hint to it, like a soft musk, incensy scent. Makes sense as the shrink wrapping that covered this bath fizzer mentioned the fragrance to be vanilla, amber and sandalwood.
In the bath
I placed this bath fizzer on top of an already run, warm bath and as soon as it hit the water it fizzed and released colour. The main colour it spewed out was pink. Along with the colour was a little froth and foam. This bath fizzer wouldn’t sitting still for a second and danced and twirled around in the bath for at least 5 minutes. Once the smallest piece of bath fizzer disappeared it left a sea of pink.
The bath water didn’t stay the soft purply/pink hue it turned into for long. I noticed the colour (and foam) pretty much disappeared once I got into the bath. Fragrance wise it was quite light when I first put this in the bath, but when I got in I couldn’t pick it up at all.
Being in the bath was nothing special. I even added some bath soak as I felt as if I was just sat in plain water. But there was no drying out of the skin, no irritation, no issues in that way.

I haven’t seen this particular Rainbow Bath Fizzer sold in store again, so I assume that stock has gone to sale heaven. What this has done is made me very open minded to try out other bath and body products from Marks & Spencer because this wasn’t a bad product at all. Could it have been better? Yes. I would have liked a more obvious, stronger fragrance and the colour of the bath water to last longer. But this was great in size and look, performed fabulously in the bath and didn’t irritate my skin (which has been very up and down for me recently). For the price I paid, perfect little stocking/gift fillers. Children, teens would like this and probably some adults too. So not my favourite bath product of all time but definitely NOT the worst. Would I buy this again? Yes, as gifts. For myself? No because I’m incredibly picky with bath bombs/fizzers, that’s just me.