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Aldi is a supermarket that not only is known for selling a wide range of food and homeware items, but they also have gained a reputation when it comes to their own branded skin and body care products. Is this important? It is for a couple of reasons. They have a wide range of products available (not always available at the same time). All are a good quality and what is equally important is they are affordable. Skincare doesn’t have to be seen as a luxury but can be a budget friendly necessity.
I’ve noticed in my local store they have started to stock a Vitamin C range which caught my eye. The one product I grabbed was Lacura’s Vitamin C Brightening Daily Cleanser with PHA & Orange Fruit Water. 125ml for £4.99.
So, what are my initial thoughts on this product?

£4.99 for 125ml is good value. Using this morning and night should give weeks of use. Another important fact to think about is if you wanted and needed to repurchase this, it’s less than £5.00. This makes a repeat purchase more achievable than a one off buy.
If it wasn’t for the packaging I wouldn’t have spotted this, you can’t miss it! Orange in colour, white writing finishing off its look. Very basic and simple. It seems to be a trend a lot of stores follow if they have their own Vitamin C skincare range, making the packaging orange, and I wonder why? And it does work! What I love about this cleanser is it comes in a practical tube but it’s also boxed. It’s that extra touch which I like and if I was giving this as a gift it would make it more appealing.

Aldi’s Lacura Vitamin C Brightening Daily Cleanser is very much a cream cleanser. Quite thick in consistency but not too much. The colour of this is orange but not glow in the dark orange, a much paler, creamier hue. A cream cleanser for many will be ideal during a colder season. The texture can be more comforting on the face, and less stripping of the skin compared to a facial wash, as an example.

There’s definitely an orange scent in this cleanser but it’s not sharp and citrusy. Creamier, slightly sweet and not particularly zesty in fragrance.
My First Impressions
Great size, perfect packaging and priced just right! It’s not something you would buy every week, so that £5.00 isn’t something you would be hit with often. I’m already liking the texture and scent of this and I can see this being a nice product to use all year round.
And The Rest Of The Range?
Customers have picked the shelf clean when I’ve gone to see what other products were available in this range. But what I got to see was there is an eye cream (very interested in this!) and a facial gel moisturiser.
Keep An Eye On This Range
If you shop in Aldi and looking to change up your skincare products, have a browse at this Lacura skincare collection and this product. I don’t think any of the products are over £5.00 so could be worthwhile buying and trying.
Interested in this budget busting brand? Have a look at other Lacura products I’ve tried over the past few years below.
An Alternative To Aveeno – Aldi’s Lacura Moisturising Hand Cream
Aldi’s Lacura Moisturising Foot Cream