It's February. I know we're only in the second month of 2022 but I literally feel as if I've lived half of this year already! Any particular reasons I feel like this? One word...LIFE! But it's fine, I will roll with it as usual. What I can't roll with at the moment is temperamental skin. My face feels like it's been drained of every drop of moisture that lives in it which I hate! So it's time to drag out a mask. My facial skincare mask collection ... Read the Post...
A Budget Best Buy? Primark’s PS Strawberry Bubble Bar
I am a sucker for a pretty bath product! Something that looks good will have me reaching for my my wallet quicker than a chocolate bar entering my mouth. It can't be helped. I've mentioned before one of my favourite things to throw in the bath is a bubble bar. So it's no wonder my last trip to Primark resulted in me buying their Lemon Bubble Bar AND their Strawberry Bubble Bar. Both at the time cost £2.00. Why did I buy this? Just look at ... Read the Post...
Superdrug’s Artiscent Atelier Marine Riche Eau de Parfum
As my children get older, I've realised how much they 'borrow' from me. My daughter is a couple of inches shorter than me but she's managed to claim some of my clothes. My son has gone out wearing my trainers and enjoyed a bath using my bath products! They're only 10 and 12! It's not all doom and gloom for me though, because if they 'borrow' from me I can 'borrow' from them. One item my son may not get back is Superdrug's Artiscent Atelier ... Read the Post...
Dirty Fresh Cosmetics Fairy Godmother Bath Bar
I don't think you need a special event or day to give a gift, whether that's a gift to yourself or someone else. But there are certain times when people do want to mark a special occasion and give out thoughtful tokens and presents. With Valentine's Day and Mother's Day only around the corner, I wanted to make some suggestions of some products that would put a smile on someone's face (or your own). So let's focus a few minutes on on Dirty Fresh ... Read the Post...