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Aldi can be a very VERY dangerous supermarket to shop in. I swear I only go in for something boring but essential like milk and pasta, but come out with various lotions, potions and home fragrance! I can’t hate the fact that they sell a wide variety of products in their stores, it’s just my credit card that isn’t too keen. So I thought I would share with you what I bought last week from my local store that was NOT food related and didn’t cost me a small fortune!

Hotel Collection Votive Gift Set
2 votive glasses with 12 peony fragranced tealights, beautifully presented in a very pretty box. This popped out at me immediately as I scanned their middle aisle sections. There was another version of this. Same set but the fragrance was rose and the box was red. I didn’t buy this for myself I promise! This to me was a brilliant gift idea and I already had a person in mind who I would give this to as a birthday present, so grabbed it. I’m guessing this votive gift set was part of their Valentine’s Day range because of how it looked and the fact it was now reduced. Originally priced at £4.99 now £2.99.

Lacura’s Moisturising Hand Cream with Oatmeal & Glycerin
An obvious dupe for the Aveeno range because of how it’s presented and it’s key ingredient being oatmeal. As an Aveeno lover, I couldn’t help but notice this every time I visited my local store, wondering if it’s actually any good in general and anything similar quality wise to Aveeno. And who doesn’t love a good hand cream anyway? In the basket it went! 69p for 75ml.

Lacura’s Deep Cleansing Bubble Mask
I’ve walked past this so many times trying to ignore it and I finally caved! I don’t NEED another mask but I see the word ‘bubble’ and that was the deal breaker. Containing bamboo, charcoal, Chamomilla Flower Extract, this mask is designed to make skin look more radiant. Oh, and remove make-up! £1.49 contains once mask.

So my total for these three items was £5.17. That isn’t bad is it? If you are an Aldi shopper, I would always suggest to keep your eyes peeled instore and be open minded to give some of their own range products a go. You never know what affordable treat, gift or everyday item you may find for the face, body or home.