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If you love baths you will love bath bombs. Different fragrances, colours and designs are available which means your bath time treat can be varied from one bath to the next. Not all bath bombs come in the typical ball shape. The Bath Bae, who I found on Instagram, sell lots of different bath treats e.g bath dusts, rocks and cubes. Definitely NOT typical bath bombs! Which made me want to try out their products, including their Oh So Slushie Bath Cube. So what were they like?

Why did I buy Oh So Slushie Bath Cubes?
I found the look and idea of bath cubes appealing. The scent from the description online sounded like something I would like and I thought I would enjoy using these cubes.
What are bath cubes?
Just think of a bath bomb and what they are made of and designed to do, and instead of it being round its cubed! And lots of them! All small, cubed bath bombs that are thrown into the bath to enjoy.
200g of bath cubes come in a clear, pouch, so you can see the cubes in all their glory. Resealable, so they don’t need to be used all at once.
How do these look?
Oh So Slushie Bath Cubes are similar in size to a dice. Beautiful mix of colours are in each of them, pink, blue, little bits of purple and white. They have a great hand made look to them as they aren’t identical in appearance but look inviting and fun!

These smell AMAZING! They smell like an actual slushie drink. Sweet, strawberries, raspberry scented, cherries with a slight fizzy hit to it. This is how they smell.
In the bath
Its recommended to use either half or the full packet of these bath cubes. I used a third. Used like a normal bath bomb, I threw a handful of cubes under warm running water. Each cube slowly became an individual mini bath bomb which fizzed about and released bright streams of colours. A little foam was made, and then the bath went from a party of mini bath bombs, to then turning into a purple coloured bath soak. The water felt very soothing, my mind felt very relaxed with no irritation just supple and hydrated skin.

Good value?
The bath cubes cost £6.45, but when I bought these they had a 25% offer attached to them. A good quality bath bomb can easily cost up to £6.45 and the amount of product you get from this sachet is a maximum of 2 bath bombs so decent value.
I loved these bath cubes! Scent was to die for, gorgeous bath was created and the bath cubes weren’t drying on my skin. These created a a relaxing and enjoyable bath which any bath lover would love!
Are these still available? Unfortunately not. Like many small businesses over the last few years The Bath Bae is no longer with us, but they really did hand make and sell some really great quality products.