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Hands up who forgets about their body during winter? It’s cold and wet. Most of us are walking around wearing 5 layers of clothes. And let’s not mention the over indulgence during Christmas and New Year! So no surprise if the condition of the skin on our body isn’t top of our to do list, right? But our skin is our biggest organ, and keeping it in good shape doesn’t have to be a massive or expensive chore. Realising I haven’t been taking my own advice on board in regards to body care, I’ve dragged out my Treacle Moon’s Coconut Island Body Scrub to get my skin feeling silky smooth. I bought this in Tesco some time ago when it was half price for £1.50.

Why did I use this one? I do have a few body scrubs floating around. But I chose this one because I wanted a product that would be quick and easy to use in the mornings before work. No fuss, use, in and out and gone!
Packaging. 225ml of body scrub is housed in a plastic flip top bottom tube. A descriptive paragraph on the front conjuring images connected with the fragrance of this scrub is a lovely touch. And the usual info including such as ingredients can be found on the back.
Texture. Similar to a body lotion. It held its shape as it came out of the tube but wasn’t totally solid. White in colour, but small, brown pieces/grains were clearly visible. These are tiny pieces of coconut shell that act as the exfoliator. Despite these pieces, the scrub itself looked shiny, opaque and smooth.

Scent. I’ve tried various coconut scented products over the last few months, so I already had an idea in my mind what this would smell like but I was wrong. There was a slight tropical scent to this, but what really put a smile on my face was the sweetness. Imagine a small element of coconut, mixed in with sugar and a vanilla pod scraped into it. Slowly mixed together over heat. Leaving a gooey, sugary, comforting smell wafting in the air. THIS is what it smells like and its DEVINE! Bakery like in scent family, but not sickly or over the top.
How to use. On the packaging it doesn’t mention how many times a week you should apply this. Traditionally, body or face scrubs products advise twice to three times a week in regards to application. But it does state it should be massaged onto damp skin using circular movements. Rinsed off and body towel dried.
In the shower. I applied this to damp skin. I wasn’t frugal with the amount I used. A decent sized blob on each part of my body e.g arms, legs, torso etc, which was rubbed in. I could feel the grains in the scrub. Perfect size as they didn’t hurt as I moved the scrub around on my skin but I could feel them, which is what you want. Easy to wash off in the shower.
Skin afterwards. I didn’t realise this until I was just about to apply body lotion to my skin, but it felt very soft and smooth! Didn’t feel or look dry and I could easily have skipped moisturising if I wanted or needed to, but didn’t.

Recommended? Definitely! I’ve used a few products from Treacle Moon and so happy to say like the others, this has been a joy to use and not disappointed me. The scent was beautiful, it was easy and fun to use and did exactly what I needed it to. I genuinely couldn’t ask or expect anything more. It’s not an expensive product at full price. £3.00 for 225ml and to use this twice a week? This should last ( dependant on the amount you use of course ), a good month if not 2, so great value. Although I got bargain when bought at half it’s rrp.
I don’t think the scrub is available in Tesco anymore ( not in my nearest one anyway ), but you can order this direct from Treacle Moon here. Which is great because they have free delivery with a £15.00 or over spend AND their full range of shower/bath gels and hand creams are there too! Happy shopping!