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If there has been one body product I have used since March 2020 more than I ever have in my whole life, it has got to be a hand cream! Dry hands, like dry lips, normally isn’t a massive concern of mine. But as we all know constant hand washing and using hand sanitisers is NOT kind to this area of the body. And with my skin colouring being brown, looking down at hands that pretty much have turned white, isn’t the look I am after! So I think I’m justified in buying a hand cream or three if and when needed. My latest hand cream of choice has been Treacle Moon’s Marshmallow Hearts Hand Cream. Bought in my local Tesco store, for £1.75.

Why did I buy this one?
I’ve actually wanted this hand cream for ages! I’ve tried shower and bath gels, bath salts and body scrubs from this range and really enjoyed them. The one product I haven’t tried is the hand creams but I could never find them in store …until now! And having a hand cream is a must for me at the moment as my hands can go from normal to White Walker looking dry in a heart beat! So this was on my to purchase list for sure.
What is this supposed to do?
Moisturise the hands when suffering from dryness, thanks to it containing ingredients such as Apricot Oil, Vitamin E and Shea butter.
This packaging is quite adorable! It doesn’t come in your standard tube that many hand creams come in. I can’t quite describe the shape of this as it’s not a traditional shape as such e.g circle, square etc. 75ml of hand cream lives in a plastic flip top lid bottle which can sit up right. It’s quite flat with slightly rounded edges. Pale pink in colouring with writing and lid in black, which contrasts nicely. Matches perfectly with the shower and bath gel in the same fragrance. It’s quite a fun way this hand cream is presented and I think geared more towards younger people.

If I remember correctly the smells similar if not identical to the shower and bath gel. Sweet, candyfloss, marshmallow like. This isn’t for the faint hearted. Not everyone likes sugary scents. But you will know if you do and I do! But what I would say is it’s not massively strong. It’s there but doesn’t give your nose diabetes.
Squirting this out of it’s packaging, the texture of this reminds me of many body lotions out there and white in colour.
On the hands.
I didn’t need too much. A good squirt the size of a 5p piece was enough. Easy to rub in, and as I did so, I could feel the hand cream had a little slip to it. But what it didn’t feel or look like was greasy. My hands looked more hydrated and healthier but not oily or shiny. In fact, quite matt in appearance. They felt smoother too. I could go a head with any tasks I needed to do e.g driving or being at work, without worrying about my hands feeling sticky or slippy.
Did my hands stay moisturised?
I found Marshmallow Hearts hand cream is something I apply a few times during the day. You can’t expect one application of a hand cream to keep you going for hours and hours, in between hand washing and everything else! This gives me an immediate hit of moisture but does need to be reapplied.

I would! And I would repurchase this for myself too. It’s a good amount of hand cream (75ml), great packaging which is super easy to carry around all day. And of course I like the smell! But what I like is the fact I have so many different textured hand care products, but this one is a more practical one as I can apply it and straight away use my hands. I have richer ones that will moisturise my hands more and for longer if I’m honest, which is great when my hands are beyond dry! But this is for everyday use. And the price? £1.75 is affordable! And because of how this looks and the fact it’s a good hand cream, I would (and have) gifted these to friends for birthdays and/or Christmas.
If you want to get your maybe not so moisturised hands on this hand cream, it’s available online direct from Treacle Moon, and instore and online at Tesco. Don’t forget they have other products for the body too. Check out my posts on their Coconut Island Body Scrub, Gentle Powder Love Shower & Bath Gel and Marshmallow Hearts Shower & Bath Gel. A budget friendly brand for bath, body and gifting.