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I’m really getting into face masks at the moment. My skin has been all over the place the last few months, and I’ve been slotting skincare masks to see if they can help provide a temporary quick fix solution. I’ve used a few different masks including Beauty Kitchen’s Abyssinian Oil 5 Minute Miracle Mask. This came in a set, but individually this costs £8.00 for 50ml.

Why did I use this?
I’ve used different products from this range and enjoyed quite a few of them. I thought my skin might appreciate using something on a regular basis rather than a one off product (e.g tissue skincare masks), to help with hydration and hopefully improve the condition of my skin.
What is this supposed to do?
Suitable for all skin types, this is designed to hydrate, give the skin a more youthful appearance and also draw out pollutants and dirt from the skin.
This skincare mask is housed in a plastic tube with a pump top to release the mask. What I like about this packaging is the amount you use is measured. One pump, two, three, however much or little you use is up to you. It’s hygienic, no fingers being stuck in pots and air isn’t getting into the product. Appearance and colouring of the label makes me think this is quite an earthy, natural product. So how this is presented stands out.

When this comes out of the pump, it looks quite rich. I would compare it to a body lotion which isn’t as liquid and as fluid as a typical lotion, because it has hold to it. Off white in colour with a slightly waxy feel to it.

There’s a plant like scent to this with the smallest hint of floral and a citrus element to it e.g lemongrass oil type fragrance. It’s not a heavy fragrance or strong, quite comforting in fact. If you’re a fan of aromatherapy type fragrances you would probably be quite fond of this.
How To Apply
Onto clean skin, apply a thin layer of mask over the face and neck area. Leave on between 5 to 15 minutes then remove with warmed, damp cloth or sponge.
On the skin
I’ve used this skincare mask on many occasions. I use a thin layer of this on my face and neck which applies very easily. I leave it on for around 10-15 minutes, and by this point it’s nearly all sucked up into my skin! Comfortable on the skin, but I did have to check the packaging as this felt as if it dried out slightly like a clay mask. And it does include clay! This doesn’t give the full clay, frozen face feel that heavily clay based products leave on the skin. But it wasn’t what I was looking for in a mask.
Taking this off was no problem with a warmed, damp face cloth. No residue left, and my skin felt and looked quite fresh and clean. I would have liked this to have left my face feeling more moisturised if I’m honest. It felt a touch too clean, even a little tight? I wouldn’t say my face looked and felt amazing, but what I would say is it felt slightly improved.
Overall I thought this mask was ok. Packaged nicely, texture and fragrance was enjoyable. My skin felt a little perked up, but my constant thing at the moment is I need my face to feel hydrated and plump. This didn’t hit that sweet spot for my skin. I’m finding masks containing clay are not my best friend or what my skin needs right now. So this mask isn’t my favourite mask of all time because it just isn’t right for my skin, at least not right now.
It’s not one I would repeat purchase but could see this being useful if my skin was oily and, prone to break outs and/or younger. For now, this will be kept on the shelf and brought out on the odd occasions this works better for me.
If this sounds like a mask your skin would like, the best price I’ve found this mask for is £6.00 at Holland and Barratt if you want to give this a whirl.