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Are you being more careful about what you spend your money on these days? Essential purchases only? Yep, me too. But there are things I make an exception to. Some things I buy because they make me feel relaxed, happy and keep my mind and body in a good place. These items are things for the bath, body and skin. I spend so much of my money on day to day living e.g food, utilities etc, that I need something just for me. So how is it possible to treat your skin without killing your budget?

No surprise with this one, right? It’s not rocket science, but try and time your purchases right and you could save yourself a pound of two. The key times sales crop up (in the UK) are around Bank Holidays, the end and/or beginning of seasons and AFTER special events e.g Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas etc.
Social Media
I’ve made many purchases on social media thanks to seeing companies mention a flash sale, a certain percentage off or free products in each order sent out. This can be dangerous but if you have your eye on particular items or brands, this can be very useful.

Emails & Newsletters
Many companies will offer an incentive (normally a percentage or money off your first order) if you sign up to their email list or make a purchase for the first time. Great way to take advantage and get the cost of the product/s lowered and not pay full price.
Cashback Sites
Depending on where and who you intend to make your purchase with, it’s always a good idea to see if they are listed with a cashback site. You select the website you are buying through the cashback site, make your purchase as normal and you receive a small percentage of that purchase amount. Online stores such as Look Fantastic and Feel Unique sell a multitude of brands under one ‘roof’, as do traditional stores such as Boots or Superdrug. My favourite cashback site is Quidco, but there are others around. It’s worthwhile checking different ones as they may have different payouts and companies under their scheme. So not only can you earn money from these purchases, if bought when on offer, get them cheaper too!
Gift Sets
Gift sets can be better value than buying each item individually. I find this many times with fragrances, skincare and bath and body products. Don’t be ashamed to split these up to gift to other people if you want to be that little more frugal.
Loyality Cards
I’m currently eyeing up some skincare products which are not the cheapest. But I can get half the cost covered by using the points built up from my loyalty card from the store I’m going to buy it from. I’ve noticed Boots are doing similar styled promotions that the supermarket Tesco do. If you have their loyalty card and use it while buying certain products you get it at a special price. And I’ve seen some REALLY good offers recently that made particular products cheaper than I have ever seen!

3 for 2 or Buy One Get One Free
I love these kinds of deals! Firstly, I have to want the products under this deal. Secondly, I will work out if this actually is a good deal because sometimes it really isn’t. This not only helps quench my thirst for products but also help me buy future gifts for my nearest and dearest too to shove in my gift cupboard for birthday’s and Christmas.
This suggestion is a controversial one! There are many companies and brands that bring out their own ‘version’ of products that are ‘inspired’ by other brands and products. Some people think this is ripping off the originals, some applaud this move. What does this mean for the consumer? The ‘inspired’ products are much cheaper!
As an example, Aldi’s Lacura Luxury Bath Float seems very similar to Sanctuary Spa Luxury Bath Float. Not only in name, but packaging, the actual product and scent. Aldi are notorious for this. I know, I’ve tried quite a few of these products! Are they identical? No idea, as I’ve never compared the formulation of the products against each other. But if you’re ok with this idea, this would be something to consider.

Supermarket/Store Own Brands
We’ve been advised for years to downshift when it comes to our branded food. You can do the same with things for the bath, body, face and fragrances.Supermarkets have their own ranges competing for your cash, as do other high street stores. I’ve used lots of Superdrug’s own branded products and honestly loved many of them, and paid good prices for them too.
So, if you’re wanting to still make these types of purchases, you can do this without paying full price. You just have to time your purchases well, be clear about what you want and try and get the best value you can when possible.