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Washing our bodies is a necessity. But for some of us it’s an experience! If you are the type of person who hops into the shower or bath and comes out 30 plus minutes later, you are ENJOYING your bathing ritual! I will hold my hands up and say I am indeed that person who leaves the bathroom an hour or more later with zero shame and very wrinkly skin! So you can imagine some of the products I put into my bath. Bath rocks, bath dusts, bath bombs. One of my favourites is bubble bars. Itching to try something new recently I grabbed from my stash Primark’s PS Lemon Bubble Bar. I bought this end of last year for £2.00.

Why did I buy this?
If I’m honest I tend to be quite picky when it comes to what I put in my bath and where I buy them from. I want a good quality bath product, especially if it’s something like this. Buying them from supermarkets, discount stores etc does make me question how good it will be especially if it’s super cheap in price. But I was in the store, these jumped out at me because of the size and colouring, so no harm in trying?
What’s a Bubble Bar?
This is more my interpretation of what a bubble bar is so it could be different for other people. A bubble bar is something that you put in the bath. Normally they provide foam/bubbles, sometimes colour and fragrance. But compared to other products, they tend to be more moisturising to the skin because of their ingredients. These will normally contain some form of butter such as cocoa or shea, giving a hydrating and luxurious bath time experience.
What does this look like?
It’s quite simple in look. It’s a thick disc shape which is quite sizeable, 7 inches. Think of a swiss roll that’s been cut into a slice and this reminds me of that except yellow! Quite a bright yellow colour in fact, but not neon. And what you see through the centre is a lighter shade of yellow running through it giving it a swirl shaped pattern.

It does have a lemon smell to it but it’s not strong. In fact, it could be much more punchier in strength in my opinion! It’s quite a fizzy, effervescent type lemon. More on the sharp side than sweet. Pleasant, but again, once out of it’s plastic wrapper I would have liked this to be stronger.
In the bath
I didn’t use all of this. I snapped it in half and crumbled it under warm running water. I found the texture reminded me of Play Doh but crumbly. It did create a decent amount of bubbles in the bath which was great to see, although they didn’t last too long once I got into it. The fragrance was there slightly but still exceptionally soft. But I did think this would have been a good bubble bar to use fragrance wise when my sense of smell is more sensitive e.g hay fever, feeling run down etc.
When I crumbled the bubble bar into the bath, I did feel my hands were really moisturised. My body in the bath felt this slightly but not as much. The bath itself was nice enough, very pleasant. Getting out, my skin wasn’t stripped of it’s natural moisture. It didn’t look ashy or felt dry. Very normal and very comfortable. I could have got away with not using a body lotion but I never skip this stage!

This isn’t the best bubble bar I’ve used and it’s not the worst. It’s a good size, looks nice and produces bubbles. And it didn’t dry or irritate the skin which is a necessity. So overall, in the words of my children, this was ‘decent’. For this to be better the fragrance needed to more prominent as it was just too subtle for me. As for the moisturisation, I didn’t expect too much because of the price and lack of butters in it’s ingredients list. But, I still think this is ok and many people would agree with me.
But would I recommend this to someone to buy? If you love your baths and don’t want to spend a small fortune give it a go. Would I buy this one again? Not this particular one no. I’ve tried it and because it didn’t blow me away, I wouldn’t repeat purchase this because I’ve used it now. But I would be happy to try a different shape, fragrance or size because it wouldn’t be the same and hopefully give me a different type of bath.
When I bought this instore at Primark, this was labelled £2.00, but on the website at time of writing this post, the price says £1.50. So this maybe reflected in store so even more bubble bar for your buck!